News & Publications

The Saga Of A Long Island Tree House And The Law

It has been just over five years since a Long Island father decided to build a tree house for his children. This seemingly simple and straightforward act somehow led to a dispute with his village and to years of federal and state court litigation and appeals. Ultimately, however, the battle over this Long Island tree house also led to a definitive statement of law, namely, that government officials charged with enforcing clear zoning rules have [...]

Far Beyond Real Estate: The Real Impact Of Florida’s SB 264

Overview On May 8, 2023, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law Senate Bill 264: Interests of Foreign Countries (SB 264), effective July 1, 2023. The law may affect not only traditional real property owners and investors but also investors and potential acquirers of any business with operations in the state of Florida. SB 264 prohibits the direct and indirect ownership, purchase, and sale of any interest in real property by government or political affiliates of, entities [...]

Lease Negotiations: What Tenants Should Know

Signing a lease can be a massive commitment for a tenant. A lease term can run for a long period of time, and the monetary obligations that a tenant can incur can be very burdensome. It is therefore extremely important for a tenant to really understand its needs prior to signing a lease, and for the tenant to try and negotiate a lease structure that fits its needs and risk tolerance. Although the key deal [...]