News & Publications

Court Of Appeal Affirms California’s Interest In Housing Can Override Laws Of Charter Cities

In Anderson v. San Jose, the Sixth District Court of Appeal held that the Surplus Land Act constitutionally applies to California's charter cities. Many prior published opinions have affirmed that various California housing laws constitutionally apply to charter cities, but Anderson is the only recent binding precedent addressing whether California's recently amended housing laws validly apply to charter cities as well. The decision recognized that the Legislature may advance state land use policy objectives by overriding [...]

Amendments To The Building And Construction Industry Security Of Payment

On 2 October 2018, the Singapore Parliament passed amendments to the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act (the "SOP Act"). The objectives of the amendments to the SOP Act are threefold: First, to expand and clarify the scope of the application of the SOP Act; Second, to enhance the handling of payment claims and payment responses; and Third, to improve the administration of the adjudication process. These amendments are helpful to both employers [...]

Landlord Liability For Tenant’s Counterfeit Sales

Should landlords care what business their tenants are operating? The obvious general answer of "yes" now has a more detailed and important caveat. If your client is retailing goods, you as a landlord may be liable if those goods are counterfeit. Thanks to some new developing case law which intersects intellectual property and real estate, landlords cannot willingly turn a blind eye to a tenant selling counterfeit products. Before too much lease review hysteria sets [...]