News & Publications

Lease And License Agreements For EV Charging Stations

The electric vehicle (EV) market continues to break records. In 2022, nearly eight percent of all automobiles sold in the United States were EVs and there were more than 10 million EVs sold worldwide, up 55 percent from 2021.1 This growth trend is expected to accelerate, as federal and state governments create incentives for the continued production and consumer purchase of EVs. The International Energy Agency projects that 12 percent of all automobiles sold in the [...]

Mo Money, Mo Problems? No Biggie For A Homeowner’s Association, Right?

Was your community association lucky enough to come in under budget last year? On the surface, this might appear to be a bonus, but if not handled properly, it can quickly turn into an unexpected tax burden. Taxation of Community Associations Almost all community associations in North Carolina are formed as non-profit corporations, which are taxed as corporations. This means community associations should file an IRS Form 1120 ("U.S. Corporate Income Tax Return") at the federal level. However, a [...]

U.S. Supreme Court Will Clarify The Constitutionality Of Legislatively-Authorized Land Use Exaction

The United States Supreme Court granted certiorari on September 29, 2023 in Sheetz v. County of El Dorado, a case that challenges the County of El Dorado's requirement that a property owner pay a Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee (TIM) as a condition to a development permit. By taking the case under review, the Court is expected to clarify the circumstances under which an exaction authorized under state law violates the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment [...]