News & Publications

Recent Court Decisions Highlight Zoning Enforcement Challenges

The Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court, sitting in its appellate capacity, recently found in two similar cases that Miami-Dade County violated property owners' due process rights by citing them for code violations using incorrect zoning regulations. Case Summaries In RR 1 Developer, LLC v. Miami-Dade County Dept. of Regulatory and Economic Resources, Case No. 2023-60-AP-01, 32 Fla. L. Weekly Supp. 195a (Fla. 11th Cir. June 25, 2024), the County cited a property owner for 47 code violations [...]

Do Tenants Have A Right To Ring Cameras? Courts Are Weighing In

Certain amenities in a dwelling have evolved from being considered luxuries to becoming essential, exemplified by the increased reliance on technology in the home. One particular technology that has grown in popularity is the doorbell camera, , which has raised questions of how much a homeowners' association (HOA) may regulate their implementation and use. While related legal actions have been few in number, it may be the tip of the proverbial iceberg. There are a [...]

Colorado Supreme Court Withdraws Landmark Bermudez Decision

On Dec. 16, 2024, the Colorado Supreme Court published a Rehearing Order, In re Mercy Housing Management Group Inc. v. Bermudez, 2024 CO 68W (the "Rehearing"), withdrawing its Oct. 21, 2024 opinion, In re Mercy Housing Management Group Inc. v. Bermudez, 2024 CO 68 (Bermudez). In Bermudez, the Colorado Supreme Court was asked to decide whether under Colo. R. Civ. P. 338(a) and Colorado's forcible entry and detainer (FED) statutes, §§ 13‑40‑101 et seq., C.R.S., residential tenants in Colorado have a [...]