News & Publications

Buying And Selling Golf Courses In Florida

Whether as a result of market conditions, evolving golfer preferences, or the financial realities of operating a golf course, golf courses in Florida regularly change hands. Below are some key issues to account for when preparing to purchase or sell a golf course in Florida. The Contract The sale of a golf course typically includes both real property and personal property. The buyer and seller are encouraged to engage legal counsel early in the process [...]

Iowa Court Of Appeals Decision Serves As Cautionary Tale For Construction Contractors

The Iowa Court of Appeals issued a decision this week that sent a strong message to construction contractors - ignore your contracts at your own risk.  Specifically, the Court stated, "Contracts mean what they say. Here, a party that failed to follow what a contract said in terms of the procedure to change the scope of the contract seeks to avoid the consequences of that failure. We decline to allow such avoidance." In this case, [...]

Lessons Learned; Hopefully, No Bridges Burned: The Covid-19 Pandemic And Its Impact On Commercial Leasing

Approximately 18 months have passed since the first coronavirus (COVID-19) shutdowns were imposed. Much has changed. In the commercial lease environment, tenants confronted the prospect of paying for space that had no real value for them during the shutdown (at least in their minds). Numerous phone calls were made. "You don't expect me to continue paying for this space when I'm basically out of business, right?" "Surely you're going to provide some sort of abatement [...]