News & Publications

Termination Of Construction Contract For Convenience By Project Owner

In the past, construction contracts could typically only be terminated if there was a breach of the construction agreement by the owner or contractor. Under such scenarios, litigation often arose concerning whether the termination was proper and whether the contractor might be entitled to lost profits and other damages as a result of the purported unlawful termination. This resulted in costly litigation for both an owner and a contractor if there were potential issues surrounding [...]

New Jersey Appellate Division Holds Neighbors Can Enforce Deed Restrictions

The New Jersey Appellate Division recently affirmed summary judgment for plaintiffs who sought to enforce deed restrictions to prevent a neighbor from subdividing their property, despite the fact that the restrictions were not included in the deed to defendants. See Cherry v. Ziad Hadaya, 2021 N.J. Super. Unpub. LEXIS 2571 (App. Div. Oct. 29, 2021). Defendants own a plot of land on Jefferson Road in Princeton, New Jersey ("Lot 4"). Lot 4 was originally part of a [...]

City Council Adopts SoHo NoHo Rezoning Plan

On Dec. 15, 2021, the City Council approved the City's rezoning plan for the SoHo and NoHo neighborhoods. The Council's action completed the legislative process, thereby turning the plan into law. The stated objectives of the plan include creation of significant opportunities for new housing, including affordable housing; introducing bulk and use regulations that better reflect existing conditions; strengthening the uniquely mixed-use character of the neighborhoods; and celebrating the unique architectural and creative legacies of [...]