News & Publications

How To Prepare For A 2021 Lease Audit

Over the past two years, businesses have endured many unexpected changes and disruptions, and the impact on corporate real estate and the workplace has been drastic. As your organization adapts for the future and evaluates the cost of office occupancy, you should act now by conducting a 2021 lease audit in the upcoming months. This includes diligently recording relevant information, gathering pertinent records and communications and requesting additional information from landlords where inconsistencies are noted. [...]

Real Estate Partnerships And Section 1031 Exchanges

Jared Kassan, a partner at law firm Allen Matkins, participated on a panel earlier this year to discuss legal issues surrounding partnerships and 1031 exchanges. The other panelists included Todd Keator from Holland & Knight, and Lou Weller from Weller Partners. The panel began by discussing the traditional "drop and swap" strategy with its associated issues and then went on to discuss alternatives. The panel focused on a fictional LLC with three owners, one of [...]

Latest Updates On D.C. Planning Studies

As part of its efforts to implement changes outlined in the 2021 Comprehensive Plan Update, the District of Columbia Office of Planning (OP) has undertaken multiple initiatives. These are at various stages in the planning process and are focused on specific areas within the District. We have provided summaries of each of these efforts below. Congress Heights Small Area Plan The Congress Heights Small Area Plan (SAP) sets out to guide development in reaction to [...]