News & Publications

You Are On Notice: Failure To Comply With Contractual Notice Provisions Can Be Fatal To Your Claim

Imagine your firm is the construction manager on a multi-million-dollar project. At the end of the project you are five million dollars out-of-pocket. You have a stack of claims for additional and extended work which led to the overrun, payment for which will easily cover the shortfall. However, the owner refuses to compensate you until you can satisfactorily answer their inquiry: "Where are the notices that are expressly required under the terms of the contract?" [...]

California Legislature Creates Pathways For Residential Development On Commercially Zoned Land

Highlights California Assembly Bill (AB) 2011 of 2022 provides a streamlined ministerial approval pathway, comparable to SB 35 of 2017, for qualifying multifamily projects on commercial zoned land that prevailing wages and meet specified affordable housing targets. The legislation provides two distinct options for eligibility: one where construction is paid for by for 100 percent Below Market Rate (BMR) projects located on commercial zoned land, and a second for mixed-income (typically 15 percent BMR) projects [...]

Pending Housing Bill Would Allow “By Right” Housing In Commercial Zoning Districts

If approved by Governor Newsom, Assembly Bill (AB) 2011 would provide for "by right" streamlined ministerial (i.e., no CEQA) approval of qualifying mixed-income and affordable housing projects along commercial corridors in commercial zoning districts. This new law would be a game-changer for multi-family housing developers providing on-site affordable housing. The new law would become operative on July 1, 2023 and would be in effect until at least January 1, 2033. The following is a summary of the [...]